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 "The Independent" anticipates “Cosmopolis” to be MOST controversial film at Cannes...

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Clair de Lune

Clair de Lune

Féminin Nombre de messages : 13133
Age : 55
Localisation : perdue dans de doux rêves... ^_^
Citation préférée : When you can live FOREVER, what do you live for...?
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2009

Carnet Intime
Musique Préférée: Supermassive Black Hole
Personnage Twilight préféré: Arghhhh... quelle question...!
Mon Tome préféré: hum...

"The Independent" anticipates “Cosmopolis” to be MOST controversial film at Cannes... Empty
MessageSujet: "The Independent" anticipates “Cosmopolis” to be MOST controversial film at Cannes...   "The Independent" anticipates “Cosmopolis” to be MOST controversial film at Cannes... EmptyDim 13 Mai - 15:21


"The Independent" anticipates “Cosmopolis” to be MOST controversial film at Cannes... Cosmopolis-Clip1346

from The Independent


You can never predict what's going to set people talking in Cannes – for all anyone knows, Madagascar 3 could prove the most argued-over film in town. More probably, that will be David Cronenberg's latest, widely agreed to be this year's hot ticket. An adaptation of Don DeLillo's novel Cosmopolis, it features Robert Pattinson as a billionaire prodigy crossing Manhattan by stretch limo and encountering Juliette Binoche, Paul Giamatti and, if I saw the lightning-speed trailer correctly, a giant papier mâché rat. If Cronenberg captures the intensity of DeLillo's state-of-the-West delirium, this could be his most confrontational film since his J G Ballard adaptation Crash. Then there's the Ulrich Seidl (Import/Export), who always ruffles feathers with his frank depictions of Western excesses. Paradise: Love will, one suspects, be no exception: it's about a teenage girl attending a weight-loss camp while her mother visits Kenya as a sex tourist.


source: The Independent via Spunk-Ransom.com
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"The Independent" anticipates “Cosmopolis” to be MOST controversial film at Cannes...
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