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 Robert Pattinson about "Cosmopolis" and Cannes...

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Clair de Lune

Clair de Lune

Féminin Nombre de messages : 13133
Age : 55
Localisation : perdue dans de doux rêves... ^_^
Citation préférée : When you can live FOREVER, what do you live for...?
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2009

Carnet Intime
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Mon Tome préféré: hum...

Robert Pattinson about "Cosmopolis" and Cannes... Empty
MessageSujet: Robert Pattinson about "Cosmopolis" and Cannes...   Robert Pattinson about "Cosmopolis" and Cannes... EmptyMar 15 Mai - 22:25

Later, there's David Cronenberg's Don DeLillo adaptation "Cosmopolis," starring Robert Pattinson, and Walter Salles' ("The Motorcycle Diaries") anticipated adaptation of Jack Kerouac's beloved "On the Road." That film, produced by Francis Ford Coppola, stars Sam Riley and Garrett Hedlund, but has attracted more attention for its supporting roles, including Pattinson's "Twilight" co-star Kristen Stewart as Dean Moriarty's girlfriend. 


"When you fantasize about how the world views you as an actor, you're like, 'I want to be recognized at Cannes,'" says Pattinson, who has drawn high compliments from his director, Cronenberg, for his performance in "Cosmopolis." 

Pattinson has previously been to Cannes to promote the "Twilight" film "New Moon" in 2009, but he's clearly thrilled to be a part of the main slate. 

"Hopefully, people don't hate it," he says, alluding to Cannes' famously vocal audiences. 


At Cannes, the context is always macro: all the world, all of cinema.
"It's great to have an American genre film in that kind of arena, where what you're coming to do is just share storytelling and the love of filmmaking as opposed to national boundaries," says Hillcoat. "That's what's really exciting about Cannes."

you can read the whole article HERE

source: Denverpost.com via Robert Pattinson News
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