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 Kellan Lutz "feels bad for Pattinson"...

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Clair de Lune

Clair de Lune

Féminin Nombre de messages : 13133
Age : 55
Localisation : perdue dans de doux rêves... ^_^
Citation préférée : When you can live FOREVER, what do you live for...?
Date d'inscription : 15/03/2009

Carnet Intime
Musique Préférée: Supermassive Black Hole
Personnage Twilight préféré: Arghhhh... quelle question...!
Mon Tome préféré: hum...

Kellan Lutz "feels bad for Pattinson"... Empty
MessageSujet: Kellan Lutz "feels bad for Pattinson"...   Kellan Lutz "feels bad for Pattinson"... EmptyMar 15 Sep - 12:48

Kellan Lutz 'feels bad for Pattinson'

Kellan Lutz "feels bad for Pattinson"... 3221632671_e96658b463

alors, je sais que c'est ine intervew de Kellan.. mais comme elle est essentiellement sur Rob... ben je la poste ici...!

Citation :
Kellan Lutz has admitted that the Twilight cast feel sorry for co-star Robert Pattinson because of the constant paparazzi surrounding him.
The actor, who plays Emmett Cullen in the vampire saga, told E! Online that the intense focus on Pattinson and fellow star Kristen Stewart makes it difficult for the cast to enjoy time together.

"We all love Vancouver. It's just that there's just so many paparazzi everywhere," he explained.

"We've been moving around to new places like every two weeks. Especially for Rob - we feel bad for him. Like, we go out to cast dinners and, whenever Rob's shooting, that's when we can have free time because usually that's when everyone is trying to shoot Rob or Kristen. "So then we can actually be free to walk around the city and shop and go out to eat. You know, when we want to do cast dinners, it's tough because you can't just chill."

When asked about rumours that Pattinson and Stewart were dating in real life, he replied: "I don't know what's going on. I have no idea. I don't hang out with Rob or Kristen."They are attractive humans, yes they are. I'm nice with Rob also. I look great with him too. I think I look better with Rob... Rob's awesome. I love him to death."

New Moon
, the second instalment in the Twilight franchise, arrives in cinemas in November.

source: digitalspy.com

tite traduc dans pas long... ^_^
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Kellan Lutz "feels bad for Pattinson"...
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